Thursday, October 24, 2013

Project # 14 Lesson Plan

This lesson plan is for 1st grade math. This lesson will be taught for one week for one hour daily with the exception of Friday, the day of the assessment. The title of this lesson plan is Math word Problems. In this lesson, students will be able to solve real life issues involving time and money by using math. They will also collaborate, develop critical thinking and communication skills. The link posted Math Word Problems Lesson Plan will take you to the Google site where the lesson plan is stored. The students will also use the writing standard W1.28 which says, with guidance and support from adults use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing including in collaboration with peers.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of site.

    Did not checkoff 21st century skills on overview. Overview does not indicate group activity but rubric was group based.
