The teacher for my c4t is Jabiz @ intrepid teacher. The title of his blog was called, "teachable moment". In his post, Jabiz shared with me how he had to pull a student to the side because the student used derogatory language in his classroom. Jabiz overheard the student telling another student to, "stop being such a homo". Jabiz explained to the student that the language he used was negative and that it would not be tolerated in his class. He also told the students that words were very powerful and when used in a negative way, they can make people feel bad. I thought that Jabiz handled the situation very well. In my comment, I stated that I appreciate him for not dropping a the ball. I commented that when things arise in our classrooms that we don't have a lesson plan for that we can only hope and pray that we say the right thing and that it will have a positive response. I also asked Jabiz, how did the student respond to his"teachable moment."
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