Tuesday, September 17, 2013

C4T #1 Comment 2

The first teacher that I was assigned to was Doug Peters. The title of his blog was, "Doug off the Record." In this blog, Doug was talking about the agree with terms of service conditions. He stated how people would agree without even reading the agreement. Doug said that most people just wanted to hurry up and download the material. In my comment to Doug, I stated that I have been guilty of doing that on quite a few occasions. I also commented that I had paid dearly for not reading the agreement and term of service conditions. I told Doug that from now on, I will read any and everything that I have to sign my name to. I also stated that as future educators, we should educate ourselves and students about these types of matters and their consequences if not taken seriously.

The second teacher that I was assigned to was Raisdana Jabiz. The title of his blog was, "Intrepid Teacher." In this blog, Jabiz was talking about reading for pleasure verses reading to challenge yourself. Jabiz stated how reading was exercise for the brain. He also said that reading can help you to become a better writer. Jabiz even said that in all his years of reading, he has only not finished two books. He stressed the importance of reading a book in it entirety even if you don't like and that is where I disagreed with him. In my comments, I told Jabiz that I am more of a pleasure reader and that I am not going to finish a book if I don't like it even though he made some good points about challenging yourself. I agreed that books are exercise for the brain. I also agreed to stop saying that I don't like a book if I haven't even read it. I guess you can say that I judge a lot of books by their cover. Jabiz asked the question of how could we get students to read a book they don't like. I commented that I would tell them to think of it as exercise for their brains and that reading will help them to become better writers. I stated that I will tell them that when they get in college that they will be writing a lot of papers.I will tell my students to make the sacrifice and challenge themselves now and when they get to college, all of their hard work will pay off.

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