On November 5th, I was assigned to a little girl by the name of Sarona for my c4k. The title of Sarona's blog was, "Most Memorable Time At School." Sarona said that her most meomorable time was at FiaFia when she got to pick a group that she wanted to be in. Sarona picked to Samoan group because they taught a lot of dances that she did not know and she loved to dance.
In my comment to Sarona, I introduced myself and told her that I enjoyed reading her blog. I also commented that I can tell that she loves to dance by the excitement of her words. I also told her that I love to dance too. I told Sarona that I was glad that she got to choose the group that she wanted. I asked her if she knew that dancing was good for the mind as well as for the body. I ended my post to Sarona with telling her about a saying that we have in the United States. The saying is, "Dance like no one is watching."
C4K 10
On November 13th, I was assigned to the infamous Mrs. Yollis. I watched a video that she did on commenting. In the video, Mrs. Yollis gave some very important tips concerning the proper way to make comments. She said that you must begin with a greeting, give a compliment, add relevant information, ask a question, proofread your comment before you post it and end with a sincere closing. Mrs. Yollis went on to explain why she rejected certain comments. She said that comments are what makes the blogs come to life.
I responded to Mrs. Yollis by first introducing myself as a student of EDM 310 at The University of South Alabama. I also commented that I agreed with the fact that comments are what makes the blogs come to life. I also added how I excited I get when I receive comments. I told Mrs. Yollis that she and her class has been such an inspiration to me and that I will continue to follow them long after my days with EDM 310 and Dr. Strange are over. I invited her to follow me on twitter and I thanked her for being apart of my personal learning network.
C4K#10 Continued
On November 16, I went back and watched the other video by Mrs. Yollis class titled," The Benefits of Global Blogging," that I should have watched along with the one that Mrs. Yollis did on commenting. Mrs. Yollis began this video saying that the teachers used to be the only audience that the students had but now, that has drastically changed and the students and the teacher are both thrilled. The students in the video commented on how they enjoy being apart of an on-line learning community. They also shared the safety practices that Mrs. Yollis had taught them. The students like to skype and talk with students from all over the world.
In my comment to Mrs. Yollis and her class, I told them that their video was so impressive. I also commented that I feel apart of the on-line learning community that they so eloquently spoke of. I told the class that it was such an inspiration to see them making such positive digital footprints. I asked Mrs. Yollis if I could borrow her acronym,"Yappy," to use in my future classroom so that I can help my students to stay safe on-line through daily practice. Visit.http://yollisclassblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/video-mrs-yollis-talks-about-commenting.html for some great tips on blogging.
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